I hate snow. I really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really hate snow. It is cold, and it gets all dirty and gross really fast, and it is wet. It is just a bunch of yuck. I mean sure, snow is all magical and awesome when it snows for the first time of the year. I do like it then. And yeah, if you have to right kind of snow it is really fun to make like an igloo or something or go sledding when the snow is really slick and you go fast. That is fun. But if the snow is all poopy and bad for sledding then it is worthless. And most of the time, snow is worthless.
Driving in the snow is bad. Trying to walk in the snow while wearing a nice outfit is bad. And you know what is super deduper bad? I live on a big hill. My driveway is a big hill. Every time it snows I have to go out and shovel the driveway which is super long and is a hill. It is really hard to shovel. And when it is icy, you fall down the hill which hurts really bad. My dad slides down the hill almost every year. Ok yeah, it is extremely hilarious, but he gets really mad which makes it not extremely hilarious really fast.
So yeah, shoveling my driveway is a terrible task. It takes forever too.
And I just hate the cold. I really really really really really really really really really really really hate cold weather. I used to live in Florida. I was born there. I would love to move back there. That way, I would not have to deal with yucky snow or cold whether. Just the feeling of the freezing wind smacking you across the face is terrible. It is probably one of the worst feelings in the world. I really hate it. I would rather get poured on by warm rain then have to walk from my car to the school with freezing wind biting away at my face.
In conclusion...I hate snow. That is it. The end.