There have been many times that I convince people to do things that I want them to do. The easiest people to convince to do things are my younger siblings (obviously). I convince my little brother and sister to do things for me all the time. All older siblings do that. I convince my little sister to go shopping with me or to run errands with me for my family. A lot of the time she is like "no I do not want to go! blah blah blah!!!" but then I am like "we'll get ice cream!" or whatever she wants. Then sometimes she comes with me. Most of the time she is really stubborn and lazy and she just wants to sit and watch TV all day instead of go out and move around. She is really super lazy.
It is really easy to convince my little brother to do things. He is only seven, so he is pretty gullible. Although he is pretty lazy just like my little sister, he likes to go places with me. Sometimes I just do not want him to come with me though because he gets really annoying. One time he was whining and crying because we went to the bookstore and I had to get a book for a little kid or something and he really wanted one, so I had to buy him one too. It was annoying. And really, only when my little brother is in a really good mood does he do things for me. That is how most siblings are I guess.
As you can see, the easiest people to convince to do things are children. I work at an after school babysitting program for our district's elementary school. Not only do all the kids love us high schoolers that work there, but they will do whatever you want them to do. They are soooo gullible! Of course, I don't make any kids do bad stuff. That's just weird and wrong. I'll make them pick up toys (which is their job anyways because they played with the toys) or get me a straw during snack time or whatever.
It's pretty nice to be able to convince people to do things for you. Sometimes it's kind of bad though, but other times it's awesome.
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