Monday, November 15, 2010

Journal #23 Unplugged

I think it would be pretty awesome to go camping without any appliances. Of course, it would take some getting used to, but it would be pretty fun. I do not use my phone very often, so that would not be an issue for me. I mean, if all my friends were there too then why would I need to text anyone? Eating food only from a fire is not that big of a deal either. I actually like to go camping, but my family does not do it very often.

So if I had to go on a camping trip without any technology, I would probably just go somewhere by a lake. I do not really know where. Just somewhere where it is not going to get too cold or too hot. I hate extreme weather. I would take a bunch of my friends and my parents...not my siblings because they would get really annoying.

To pass the time I would swim in the lake A LOT. I love swimming. I would go hiking and have fun little adventures. Yes, I just said I would have fun little adventures. I would go fishing and canoeing also. (Because I can canoe because you do not need electricity or anything to ha.)At night everyone would gather around the campfire and sing songs, tell stories, and eat smores...the usual camping stuff. Ummm, I can not sleep just straight on the hard rocky before we would leave for the trip, I would blow up an air mattress for myself. I do not care if that is cheating, and I do not care if you say that it would inflate eventually or that it would not fit in my my story, everything goes perfect.

So yeah, that sounds like a lot of fun. I also think it would be even more fun to go camping with just my friends, but like somewhere close to where our parents are so we do not die. It would be fun to just hang out all day with my friends. The only thing that is really gross and bad about this situation is that you can not take showers, or go to the bathroom in a real bathroom. That is just straight up nasty. I can not handle that.

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