A lot of things happen to the Joad family in chapters thirteen through twenty-four. In chapter thirteen they set out for California. Grampa Joad takes a turn for the worst because he was taken away from his usual surroundings. He soon has a stroke and dies in a borrowed tent. Granma Joad dies shortly after Grampa Joad while the Joads were driving. They give Grampa Joad a funeral and bury him even though it is illegal, but they can not do the same for Granma Joad. They leave her in an office.
The Joads also witness their dog being hit by a car while they were stopped at a gas station. Rose of Sharon is afraid that her baby might suffer from her seeing such a terrible sight.
Noah, the oldest brother soon leaves his family because he believes that his parents do not love him as much as the other children.
Connie leaves the family also a little after Noah does. The family is not surprised that he left, but Rose of Sharon is.
The Joads start to loose a lot of hope and faith. Ma Joad believes her family is falling to pieces, and indeed, it is. Some family members have lost their way and departed from the rest of the family. Others are slowly loosing it, but they all try very hard to keep the family together.
After Connie leaves the family moves on. They go from one Hooverville to the next. Soon they find a little migrant governed town. They stay there for a little while. The men go to look for jobs, and Ma Joad and Rose of Sharon stay in the town and learn from the people there. They have their own set of rules.
Tom and Casy get in a fight with the police, but Casy takes the blame and goes to jail because Tom should not even be out of Oklahoma.
The family starts to look up to Ma Joad for guidance, but Tom finds a job. The family's hope comes back.
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