There are many characters in The Grapes of Wrath. The Joad family is very big. There is Ma Joad, Pa Joad, Tom Joad, Rose of Sharon, Grampa Joad, Granma Joad, Al Joad, Noah Joad, Uncle John, Ruthie Joad, and Winfield Joad.
Tom Joad is the protagonist of the novel. The story opens with him returning home from being in jail. He killed a man. Although Tom killed someone, he is a very good person. He is strong and he helps to keep his family together and light-hearted. Tom has the respect of many family members and people.
Pa Joad is a tenant farmer in Oklahoma. His farm gets evicted, so he decides to move his family to California. He is a good man who wants the best for his family. He is often inferior to his wife.
Ma Joad is a very strong woman. She helps to keep peace in her family, and Pa Joad often looks to her for advice and guidance.
Rose of Sharon is the oldest girl in the Joad family. She is young and in love and tends to have big grand ideas for her life. She is married to Connie, and they are pregnant with their first baby. Soon Connie leaves her, and her baby is born dead. After these tragedies Rose of Sharon becomes more mature.
Granma Joad is a big time Christian. She likes to damn her husband to hell, but after he dies, Granma Joad becomes ill and dies shortly after.
Grampa Joad is a kind of comical relief in the novel. He has a bad temper. He says a lot of mean and sinful things. He is the founder of the Joad farm. The Joads have to drug him to get him to fall asleep so that he will leave the farm. He dies shortly after.
Uncle John is the Joad children's uncle. His wife died because he would not go get a doctor when she was complaining of stomach cramps. Uncle John feels badly about that every second of every day. He never gets it out of his mind, and it is his biggest regret.
Excellent! Nice character analyses.