In Their Eyes Were Watching God Janie goes through three husbands. The first is Logan Killicks. The second is Jody Starks, and the third is Tea Cake. Janie has very different relationships with all three.
Logan Killicks is a good hard-working man. Janie is forced to marry him by her Nanny. Janie and Logan Killicks do not have any love in their relationship. Janie just does not love him. He is a good provider, and that is it. After Nanny dies, Janie leaves Logan Killicks for Jody Starks.
When Janie meets Jody Starks, she falls in love with his never-ending charm and wits. She also loves his grand ideas for himself. Janie believes he can help her break out and become more free. Soon the couple move to a little town, Eatonville. The town starts out very small. Jody soon takes matters into his own hands and builds things for the town. He puts in a post office and a few stores. He even buys a lamp post. Jody, obviously, becomes mayor of the town.
Janie and Jody live a nice life for awhile. They are very wealthy compared to everyone else. They are always looked up to. Janie works in the store for Jody.
Soon, Jody starts to treat Janie differently. He does not allow her to wear her hair down. He does not want other men to admire its beauty. Jody scolds Janie for doing things wrong in the store. He does not allow her to socialize with the other townspeople. All in all, Jody treats Janie like an object instead of a person.
After being married to Jody for several years, Janie starts to fall apart. She can barely take his harsh words anymore. They are both getting older, and soon, Jody becomes ill. The doctor says that Jody will not live much longer, and soon, he dies. Janie feels relieved that he is gone. She pretends to mourn for about half a year, but she soon finds another man.
Janie meets Tea Cake in her shop one night. He entertains her with his humor and imagination. Tea Cake sweeps Janie off her feet, and they get married. They live a wonderful life together. Tea Cake has a lot of control over Janie, but she does not mind. Janie does not have as much control over him though. Soon, Tea Cake becomes ill, and Janie has to shoot him to save herself.
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