Besides the Joad family, there are other characters we meet along the journey to California. Some of those characters are Muley Graves, Agnes Wainwright, Floyd Knowles, Connie, Ivy Wilson, Sairy Wilson, and Jim Casy.
Muley Graves is the Joad's neighbor in Oklahoma. His farm is evicted just like the Joads'. Muley decides to stay behind and live off the land, and he lets his wife and children move to California. At the beginning of the novel Muley points Tom in the direction where is family is staying.
Agnes Wainwright is Al Joad's fiance. They meet in a boxcar that their families shared on their way to California. Al stays with Agnes Wainwright in stead of going on with his family.
Floyd Knowles is a migrant worker. He gets Tom and Casy to work for a labor organization. Floyd Knowles gets Tom in trouble with the police later in the novel.
Connie is Rose of Sharon Joad's husband. He is a big dreamer just like his wife Rose of Sharon. Once the Joad family reaches California, Connie leaves them and his wife. None of the Joads are surprised but Rose of Sharon.
Ivy and Sairy Wilson are a couple that the Joad's meet on their way to California. They meet them on Highway 66. Grampa Joad is dying when the Joads meet the Wilsons. The Wilsons let the Joads borrow their tent so that Grampa Joad has a nice place to die. Later the Joads help the Wilsons fix their car. The two families decide to go together to California, but soon Sairy becomes ill so the Wilsons have to stop and the Joads go on.
Jim Casy is an ex-preacher. Jim Casy believes are experiences in life are holy. He stopped preaching because he liked to fulfill his sexual needs. Jim Casy is a good friend of Tom because he goes to jail in Tom's stead. When Jim Casy gets out of jail he becomes a great organizer for the migrant workers.
Nice - I like your character analyses