Friday, August 13, 2010

Their Eyes Were Watching God: ch 7-14

In chapters seven and eight Janie and Jody's relation goes way down hill. They are both getting older, and they know it. One day, Jody lashes out at Janie in front of the whole store. Janie verbally abuses him back. A few weeks later Jody gets sick. Janie wants to see him one more time before he dies. When she goes to see him, they have another argument. Jody dies after the fight.

Janie pretends to be in mourning for about six months. Soon, she meets a man named Vergible Woods, otherwise known as Tea Cake. Tea Cake makes Janie laugh a lot. He is very playful and imaginative. He is younger then Janie though, which the town disapproves of. Everyone is afraid that Tea Cake will take advantage of Janie's wealth. Janie does not believe that he would do that. They seem like they are very much in love. Tea Cake does truly love Janie. Pheoby is asked by the town to talk Janie out of her relationship, but Janie replies with how wonderful he is. The conversation ends with both of them giggling over the romanticness of it all.

Soon, Janie and Tea Cake move away and get married. Tea Cake often leaves Janie for a day or two which worries her very much. One day he takes two hundred dollars of hers and spends it on food and alcohol for his friends. He returns home and tells her he is sorry that he did it. He wins back the money by gambling, but he also comes home with many scrapes and bruises.

After Tea Cake wins back all her money, Janie decides that she trusts him fully. She tells him that she has a lot more money in the bank, but he says that she will never have to use it because he will provide for her. The couple then move to the Everglades.

Within chapters thirteen and fourteen Janie and Tea Cake's love seems to expand even further. Tea Cake teaches Janie out to shoot, so they go hunting together. They also begin to become very popular in their community because they are so fun. Towards the end of chapter fourteen Janie decides to work in the fields with Tea Cake because he says he misses her too much. So far, their love seems to be pretty real.

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